Our Roots
I have lived on Long Island my whole life, and at the age of 17 I became a commercial fisherman out of Montauk. I would continue in that profession for the next 23 years.
After fishing I found myself starting over. I went through many challenging personal transformations as I tried to figure out my purpose. Then one day a woman named Jenni asked me if I wanted to mow her lawn and maintain her property, but she said it had to be done organically. At that time, I just had a small push mower that I carted around in my pickup truck. Jenni introduced me to Edwina von Gal, a passionate champion for the land, who taught me all about toxin free landscaping. I feel so fortunate to have found these amazing people, and to be able say I was organic from the start.
I continued to learn more about organic landscaping methods while mowing lawns as a side job. It wasn't until the birth of my first daughter that I realized I had to go through yet another transition in order to provide for my family. That is when I started my own organic landscaping company, Norris Organics. The journey has not been without setbacks, but what a wonderful journey it has been!
Today, I am continuing to expand my knowledge about the complex components that make up our local ecosystems, taking courses in organic turf management and connecting with other passionate toxin-free land care professionals. I use methods prescribed by the North East Organic Farming Association (NOFA), the gold standard in organic land care strategies, and I have become a NOFA Accredited Organic Land Care Professional (AOLCP). In 2021 we were able to switch the majority of our equipment to zero-emissions electric equipment for our regular maintenance services. That means quieter communities, cleaner air, and a MUCH smaller carbon footprint! There is always more to do, but I am so proud to be on a path to creating a cleaner, greener world for my daughters and all that live on the beautiful East End.
If you or anyone you know ever has a question about organic land care please don't hesitate to contact me!
Jason Norris